
Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Malva-h for ipf

Hello Dr George, I am writing from Malaysia, The day I place an order on MALVA-H herbal medication was the day our life change I am very happy to announce my wife has been cured from IPF, she is the woman she use to be again so romantic and Active , I can't express how much I feel now, this is the day I received MALVA-H Medicine I bless that day.

Monday, February 26, 2018


I was diagnosed with IPF 3 years ago and  I am on medication and have been through numerous chest infections fatigue depression the whole works really but of late can’t seem to shake infections off and coughing has fractured my ribs and burst blood vessels in my eye. The last few weeks I have had a horrific pain in my left and right side coming around to my front underneath my ribs it’s so bad I scream in the night when I try to turn over I take morphine but doesn't help much. I lost more than half my lung space and was told it was irreversible we even talking about a double Lung transplant at my consultations, I am not on The List yet though as I am still fit and can do everyday tasks and my quality of life is still good. I make sure I walk the dog (Spud) daily and keep myself busy; I think a bit of cardio exercise is very good for this condition. I keep a positive outlook as like you say the prognosis for this disease is not good, As normal I was on the internet enlighten myself  more about IPF when I came about across a blog;, I wrote the doctor and he told me about his product MALVA-H. I was very impress but scared if it would work on me because this is the first time of me using an herb medication for IPF. Few weeks of using MALVA-H, I became to feel better, I stop coughing and feeling pain, I begins to breath normally and all the symptoms of IPF gone. it has been two months after using MALVA-H and I can boldly say I am cured thanks to MALVA-H.

Authored by Elizabeth Reyes

Tuesday, January 30, 2018


                             Michael’s Story in a bit

Having IPF can be lonely, isolating and scary. I have to avoid walking up hills or doing strenuous exercise, so I have to plan where I’m going, where I’m going to park, especially if I have to do a lot of talking in meetings etc. But when people share their stories of coping with IPF or substance use disorder, it can provide inspiration and hope and be a welcome reminder that you are not alone in your challenges. I had suffered from IPF as long as 2 and half years, I had no idea what was happening and didn’t know where to turn for help. It was hard then because I didn’t understand the symptoms earlier. When you struggle with a disease, many won’t believe you. Early detection of PF and early treatment could have prevent full-blown IPF and improve the long-term prognosis. There was a time I decided to get away from everyone, moving into a serene house in the woods with a pond and vocal wildlife. I said, “I loved to gaze at the moon and listen to an orchestra of fireflies and bullfrogs”.  As do most families, I went through many sleepless nights and periods of intense grief. I cannot express the pain and anguish that came over me.  We (my wife and I) fought for proper medical care and humane treatment. We did everything we could and we did it with love, with intelligence, with experience that threatens my life. We have ALL given pieces of ourselves, sacrificed our own way of life for this disease and have spent many late nights worrying and praying. Behind the closed doors of our homes or a therapist’s office or a specialist office we put our heads together to decide what is best for me and sometimes most of our choices work but more often we are less than successful. There was very little support from friends, family and the community. I racked my brain and kept thinking of all the things I could have done differently to prevent such a horrible illness.

It was such a relief when someone told me about the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation of Australia. There I found other people going through very similar situations as me. I have dealt with shock, sadness, guilt, grief, anger and fear to name a few. I was able to interact with our new counselor, he told me about MALVA-H treatment and their depot office in Australia. I finally found some respite and help. Even though, our specialist was not in support.  Don’t expect everyone to understand your journey, especially if they have never had to walk your path. I am not judgmental of other people- I see good in everyone.  We have been using this herbal supplement for just a month and 2 weeks with up-to-the-minute development, the symptoms are all gone. I stay calm now. I can go to anywhere i wish. This illness has helped me grow to be a better person. Once again I have found balance in my life.

I would be very happy to receive any comments on what I have written here. It is also important to hear other points of view on the subject. I will keep you all updated after I complete the whole treatment in the next 3 months.

Authored by Michael R Deckard